Marketing art for "Brig 12" A 2D RPG Game created in Unity for Traega Entertainment. I used Photoshop for this image, to redraw, and rework the games Characters and organizing them into an engaging ensemble for marketing and advertising purposes.
Marketing art for "Brig 12" A 2D RPG Game created in Unity for Traega Entertainment. I used Photoshop for this image, to draw the games lead Character and recreate an in game scene for marketing and advertising purposes.
Marketing art for "Brig 12" A 2D RPG Game created in Unity for Traega Entertainment. I used Photoshop for this image, to draw the games lead Character and the whole scene for marketing and advertising purposes.
Marketing art for "Brig 12" A 2D RPG Game created in Unity for Traega Entertainment. I used Photoshop for this image, to draw, and rework the scene and the game's Characters, organizing them into an engaging ensemble for marketing and advertising purposes. I used an environment created by our in house team of environment artist to place the original character art in to place and added some visual effects to make this image. This scene was also used for a teaser video in which I did the character animations in Photoshop and After Effects.
Marketing art for "Brig 12" A 2D RPG Game created in Unity for Traega Entertainment. I used Photoshop for this image, I drew the characters, and reworked the scene for marketing and advertising purposes.
Loot in the game is delivered in Data Lockers. I designed these data lockers, created the sprite sheets for their animated uses. I also created the background scene and the scroll boxes used in this image. I also animated this scene when the Data Lockers enter, open, and the envelopes fly out and reveal themselves.
UI Text Boxes and Icons, Icons, and Icons! I created a large variety of Icons, stationary and animated, that are used throughout the game.
This is a redesigned framing that I had done when we ported the game to phones. I also created the art of the background scene. The Bounty Hunter Head Quarters.
Brig12 Start screen. I created all the art seen here, background, UI, character, logo, and the UI flow that follows as the user clicks through the UI.
Some of the characters that I created based on the established look of the game, also created a trophy earned in the game, 3 AOE character effects, and one of the enemy characters "Doom", showcasing how I sketched out Doom's look and individual pieces for animation.
I created the framing used throughout the game. In this scene I created all of the UI elements. I designed the frames that surround the characters to be a useful progression meter for each one. Letting you know the characters progress, rarity, and any pertinent info in a single snapshot. I did not create the characters used in this image.
Some of the in Game Scenes and UI that I created. I did not create the characters used in these scenes, but everything else I did, Including the drone images.
Sample video of the data locker animation sequence. I created all the art and animation in this scene.
Teaser video that I created for Marketing of the game "Brig 12". In this video, I created the logos, the characters, and the character animations. Characters were created in Adobe Illustrator, Animations were done in Photoshop and After Effects.
Sample animation of Victory screen showing the loot earned from completing a battle. I created all of the art and animations in this scene. Animations created in Unity
2D RPG Video Game "Brig 12"
I was a 2D Character Artist, VFX Artist and UI artist on the shipped Unity game "Brig 12" created at Traega Entertainment. I also created the Marketing Key Art for the game. You will see some of the key art here. I used Adobe Photoshop to draw, redraw and recreate characters and scenes from within the game to create the Marketing Key Art.